WooCommerce Show Single Variations

Show WooCommerce Variations on the Shop Page
Display WooCommerce variations as individual products on the shop page, category pages, search results, and filtered results.

Show Variations on the Shop Page

Help Customers Find What They’re Looking For

  • Give customers a clear and straightforward shopping experience by displaying variations as single products.
  • Show accurate search and filter results that show individual products, rather than catch-all variable products.
  • Save customers time, clicks, and frustration by improving the browsing experience.


Show Variations in Filter and Search

Expand Your Product Catalog in Just a Few Clicks

  • Choose which variations to show on the shop page, filtered results, search results, featured listings, or none of the above.
  • Hide the parent variable product for a cleaner look.
  • Help customers find the right products, quickly.


Add to Cart

Save Your Customers Clicks

  • Add variations to cart right from the product listing pages.
  • Prevent unnecessary clicks through to single product pages.
  • Increase your shop’s average order value by making it easier to buy from you.


Edit Variation Titles

Create Appealing Variation Titles

  • Change the default titles for each of your product variations.
  • Increase the chance of a sale by making each product appealing and “clickable”.


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